Friday, August 11, 2006

here we go again...

I just cannot believe that i missed my dental no no no no no!!!!! How can I missed it? I keep thinking it was either on the 16th or 18th of August and never ever thought it was on the 4TH OF AUGUST!!!!!!!! AAArrrggghh~~~~@!!!! i just cannot believe it...I have to prepare myself for the lectures from the government nurses going to give me...I dare to say they might even scold me 'teruk-teruk' just because I missed my appointment...they are really friendly but they can also get very scary when they are i dread to call them i know why there is a gap between my teeth now..because i am late 1 week...*sob sob* =( the downside of going to a government hospital..but i think that is what you get by paying only RM500 for my ortho...of course not all government nurses are scary.. can't blame them also because they have so many patients and appointment to make... =(
MY aunt and her family board the plane this afternoon..I am already beginning to miss them..i wish i can get to go London again...I just want to be there and experience the lifesytle and the different season there..3 weeks at London was just not enough...just like my cousin spending 3weeks here and he was so reluctant to go back to his home country..because it is different..that is what made living in a foreign country so appealing...well that is my opinion ofcourse...i want to experience the different kind of life there..I know the grass there won't be any greener than Malaysia's grass but i still have to give it a try first..I won't be satisfied if i don't give it a harm having an aim..going out overseas to seek more opportunities to improve and to give the family a better standard of living...gain more experience and widen our's a very common aim..everyone want to do just that..even if i could not live there i can at least make sure myself is capable of visiting the European countries and enjoy the beautiful sights and scenery there......i damn envy Yieng Yieng at Australia after reading her latest entry..i want to do exactly what she done there..and i missed her so much..anyway enough of me crapping about my dreams..
2 more weeks to go where some of my friends are going back to their respective countries to continue their studies and for me to begin my degree programme...I am 2semester behind Amelia and Sing Yieng...almost a year and a half behind PY...i hate it ..i don't like it at all but i can do nothing about it and i don't think i will want to do anything about it even if i can...*craps* i just want to get my life starting now..have to get it starting soon!!! Ahhhhhh....!!! i wonder what do i have to do for preparation...all i know is i need money and loads of money and to find a very cheap but reliable car in 2 weeks time ...muahahaha!! =p which i doubt will be possible with my current situation...aih better worry about my braces better =)

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